Very much "feels like XCOM," only without the R&D part. Highly tactical, with a small amount of strategic-level thinking, planning out your next moves. For my money, I think Civilization IV is by far the best of the series the newer games (Civ V, Beyond Earth, and Civ VI) moved to a one-unit-per-tile design, and while I appreciate the new tactical elements this provides (and I have a hardcore fetish for hex grids), on balance I think the design detracts more from the game experience than it adds. Though it's not a turn-based tactical game (it's the paradigm example of a 4X game), I want to add a special shout-out to the Civilization franchise, which was my monogamous game of choice for decades before I found XCOM EU. The main drawback I found is that this game isn't as replayable as the others, since it's a linear story with set missions, but I think it's absolutely worth a couple playthroughs. The tactical missions, though fairly straightforward by XCOM standards, are engaging and varied. The art design of the game is absolutely gorgeous, with a deliberate hand-drawn storybook theme to everything. A turn-based tactical game wrapped in a compelling story, set in a fictional world that resembles early-1900s Europe. This gives the game most of the weight and tension of Ironman mode, but without the drawback of a single misclick ruining your entire campaign. One thing I really like about the game is that you only have one save per campaign, a la Ironman mode, but each difficulty level has a different (limited) number of actions you can rewind for a do-over. Set in the not-too-distant future where corporations rule the world, most of the game is spent on tactical missions, sneaking about, subduing guards, stealing loot, and hacking with a varied suite of powers. If you like the stealth elements of LW2, you'll love Invisible Inc. Hero traits are inherited from parents and trainers, and I found that trying to weed out weak traits and nurture strong ones over generations was super addictive. You have to decide which heroes fight, which ones train other heroes or get shipped off to the sage guild as researchers, and, especially, which ones breed and raise the next generation of heroes. A campaign spans something like 300 years of game time, so you have multiple generations of heroes that train, age, and die.

The tactical layer is decent, but the strategic layer is very clever and very fun. This is basically XCOM with a medieval fantasy theme. They're all tactically lighter than vanilla XCOM 1/2 (let alone Long War 1/2), but they're still quite enjoyable. Here are my favorite turn-based tactical games that I've found between long bouts of XCOM/LW. But occasionally it's nice to add a bit of variety in there. I've long been a monogamous game player once I find a game I love like XCOM, I play it almost exclusively. What are your favorite turn-based tactical games other than the XCOM/Long War franchise?